Indirect Ophthalmoscopes

Powerful Ophthalmic Diagnostic Tools

For comprehensive eye examinations and treatments, indirect ophthalmoscopes provide an essential wide-angle view inside the eye. Our selection includes flagship models from top brands Heine and Keeler, renowned for their exceptional optics and illumination.

The Heine Omega 600 sets the standard for indirect ophthalmoscopy with its brilliant xenon-halogen illumination and versatile filters. Keeler's Spectra Iris and Vantage Plus models also deliver high-resolution imaging through advanced LED lighting systems.

Ensure convenient portability and protect your investment with tailored carry cases like the Keeler Spectra Iris/K-LED option.

Whether you're an ophthalmologist, optometrist or other eye care professional, equip your practice with the finest indirect ophthalmoscopes. Browse our range below to find the perfect instrument to enhance your diagnostic capabilities.